Misty Magic
Up early again for the 2hr drive to catch first boat out of Milford Sound. I’d not particularly wanted to do it before as you hear how busy it is and such a loooooong drive. But no matter how much they complain about the huge influx of tourists and the terrible driving, they have clearly not experienced the A82 in summer and the whole of the Highlands. I can understand that it’s a shock to the empty vastness of The South Island, but it makes you realise how tiny our Highlands are, and the impact from tourism is far greater at home - I think.
There is a 1km tunnel under a big mountain to drive through - rough hewan by any European standard I’ve seen and a little unnerving. And very drippy when it’s raining, apparently. When you arrive at the harbour area, it’s off putting as it’s so busy with us tourists. Without the tourists though, only anyone in a boat would ever see it.
The start of the tunnel on the way out of Milford
The minute that boat leaves harbour, the other boats become very small and the landscape takes over everything. To stand at the bow and let it all unfold was worth the effort
The Fur Seals were a wee bit like otters and made a great sound
This is the 2nd rarest penguin in the world. We saw one float by but I did nt get a photo. It wasn’t wearing a strippy shirt
Spook and I live in a world of film soundtracks……
And all things being equal…..