And Now We Need to Talk About The ‘Other’ Dog
Playing 2nd fiddle to a weirdy-looking wee brown thing when you’re clearly the cutest dawg in the room, is a hard pill to swallow.
You do what you have to do, and sometimes it’s just not enough.
Billy and Jane have had to hit the road a couple of times this month to escape the installation of the new heating system and insulation. When you’ve done everything that’s needed done over the last 60+ years yourself, it’s not comfortable to have strangers drill holes in your precious house. Especially when they wear short trousers.
There’s no leaving the canines behind so we put them in a shared space to see if they could, well, share.
Body language is loud and clear. Jane wants to sit on Billy’s lap and Courr wants her to disappear. They moved around to see if they could reach a compromise - neither the lap nor the disappearance being an option.
The communication was all directed at the humans. The dogs simply weren’t talking to each other.
We had breakfast out at Nevis Range where everyone loved Jane and ignored Courr. Very galling. Jane is delightful with humans but when another dog came in she turned into a snarling monster and I had to tuck her under my arm like a rugby ball and leg it out of there at speed. Thankfully we’d finished eating.
Heavy rain greeted us as we approached the Corran Ferry. Then the sun split the skies on the peninsula and we had the loveliest drive, walk and picnic lunch (from the Bakery in Acharacle).
Warm sunshine at Castle Tioram got us out onto the shore.
I’ve never mastered the Selfie, but we had a giggle.
The walk helped with the relationship issues. At least for a while.
We’d to take a 2nd trip the next week with more workman making holes in the house so we took the ferry again but turned right instead of left and went up the side of the loch across from the A82 and Fort William. We had lunch in Cafe Mara at Corpach Basin where Jane and Billy had a chat about the morning’s journey.
Courr was really pissed off. No amount of dieting will make him lap-sized.
He has a cunning plan though. He removes Jane’s 3 food dishes (who needs 3 dishes???) from Billy’s house on a daily basis. It doesn’t matter how many times I bring them back, he’s unrelenting. Jane is too heavy to remove so starving her out is worth a try.
He’s also tried making himself look more appealing in the hope that Billy will be won over.
Billy is made of tougher stuff.
And who can resist wrinkly wee ankles? She is the Nora Batty of dogs. Could Billy be her Compo?
Billy hosted a wee dinner in the Grand Hall at Foich, Inveroy. It’s been a very tough year.
To give Courr some respite from the ever present Jane, I took him for a doggy spa break over on the east. But the other attendees were either hogging the tv or the fire, so it wasn’t all just as he’d like.
Billy got the chance to go to Ballachulish for a Gary, Ewan and Ruairidh gig and decided Jane couldn’t come. Courr would have been delighted if he’d known but he was too busy being miserable at home as he wasn’t invited either.
After 2 weeks of amazing February weather it turned into almost 2 weeks of yucky February weather. Neither Jane nor Courr wanted to go anywhere. Nobody did. Except kayakers, and the ducks.
March tomorrow. Love it.